Friday, October 21, 2011

Hey sorry I am late

I haven't blogged in forever. I've decided that I'm no longer going to tell you all what the next post is gonna be about cause it limits me. I'm in the shower and I'm like "oh I wanna write about that!" and then I'm like "oh no I said I would write about this other thing..." and then I just don't write about anything. So this post is just to say forget about everything I might have said before cause it's bullshit. Except the thing about me being a doctor in everything. That's unequivocally true. This blog is peer reviewed and shit. But yeah I'm at dinner blogging from my phone cause I can. Cause I have a sick iPhone.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Piggy Adventure - UPDATE

everybody get excited, I'm gonna post something about my new app/game - Piggy Adventure. shameless advertising here.

I'm loving Piggy Adventure on my (i)phone. it has probably the best icon out of any other icons I've seen, and I like it purely on the basis that it has the word "piggy" in the title. Basically the object of the game is to use a cow, a pig, and a chicken, to collect "color drops" and get to the exit for the level. The game is exactly the kind of mindless hand-eye entertainment I wanted for my boredomtimes. I'd rate it 4.5 stars but I don't think itunes lets you give half stars. I'd go with 4 in that case. it's very fun and it works well, but I wish there were more levels. I'm already at the "end", which does get quite a bit harder than the beginning, but I'm basically finished now. I have to go back and do all the achievement things from the stupid Game Center I guess. now some screenshots.

Check out the adorable icon! I've called it "psychedelic pig."

This is the first level in the tutorial. It doesn't feature cow or chicken because it's stupidly easy. you jump over the rock to get the high one. duh.

This is what the level select thing looks like. As you can see, I've only collected 28/36 color drops on Gizza Island. The color drops are meant to bring the color (which was stolen by a monster thing) back to the island.

This is the last level that's available now. I've done all the way up to level 10 on Gizza Island, but I can't do 11 or 12. This is 12. Obviously much more involved than tutorial level 1.

Necessary disclaimer cause of image use : Obviously, to the owners of Piggy Adventure who probably have someone whose job it is to troll the internet looking for mentions of your game - if you happen upon this - I don't make any claim to be in any way affiliated with Piggy Adventure, whoever owns it owns it - and  it's not me. But by all means you guys, buy this little game. it's fun. I like it. I love the icon. it's a crazy pig with a rainbow. <3

that's the end of my shameless plug for Piggy Adventure. Look forward to a post on homesickness next time. I feel like saying something about it, but I'm tired and only have time for one post. and I figured, I've been promising Piggy Adventure post for days. so I'll post more tomorrow hopefully.

Goodnight! or whatever.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I should just go to bed

How do I get people to read my blog?
How do I get people who read my blog to comment on my shit?
YOU GUYS NEED TO COMMENT ON MY SHIT AND MAKE MY BLOG A SENSATION SO THAT I CAN GET FREE SHIT, OKAY. This is like, a pyramid scheme, but it could really work. because for some reason bloggers get free shit these days. I don't fucking know. just fucking comment on my shit, okay? it's late, so I can't post anything fucking thought provoking tonight. but I'll do it tomorrow. maybe I'll do it from school, when I should be last-minute reading shit that I had all day to read today. wooooo.

Is this working? like uh, when they say girls only like guys who are dicks? you like me being a dick? am I effectively berating you into commenting on my shit?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fuckin' Ke$ha again. and also Hipsters.

So it seems like Ke$ha pretty much dominates my life.. I've been thinking about this in the car on my way home when the music on the radio had a pretty consistent string of great songs on.. Being a hipster is so not fun. My IPOD PHONE has stuff on it like  the big ones : The freaking Arcade Fire and freaking Death Cab For Cutie, Florence and the Machine and, the medium ones : Interpol and Jens Lekman and Sigur Ros, The Shins,  and, the smaller ones : Mew, The Most Serene Republic, Tokyo Police Club... but like, when I want to listen to music, for real, you know what I want to listen to? This list of songs I listened to in the car today. In order:
  • Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes ft. Adam Levine
  • I Wanna Go - Britney Spears
  • Take It Off - Ke$ha (her again)
Then I turned fucking Adele off on the radio, because I didn't feel like listening to Rolling in the Fucking Deep for the zillionth time, and put on Spotify. The rest is of my own volition now.
  • Like A G6 - Far East Movement
  • Whatcha Say - Jason Derulo
  • Double Vision - 3OH!3
  • Moves Like Jagger - Maroon 5
  • Daylight - Matt & Kim (maybe a little hipsterish, but once it's been used in a Bacardi commercial it's fair game)
If I felt some need to maintain some kind of insane hipsterness, even alone in the car, the vast majority of those songs would be OUT. SO OUT. but they're freaking FUN SONGS. like, I wanna get into a skimpy skirt and rub asses with some random chicks in da club when I listen to those songs. Hipsters only rub asses in an ironic way, which is lame and insincere. Hipsters are either lying to themselves, or they actually have no souls. Either way, I hate them. Now, obviously I listen to my fair share of hipstery music, but I'm not going to be all devout about it. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT BRITNEY SONG?! it's AWESOME. She's kickin' ass with that song. and hipsters, you lose out on that. your lives are, in a word, incomplete. in another two words - a lie.  I had an awesome silent disco in my car, wiggling around and singing with my headphones in. It was awesome. I can guarantee you it would not have been as fun if I were listening to goddamn crazy-ass Sigur Ros. GUARANTEE IT.
Where does Ke$ha come in? she's like the anti-hipster. She's so fucked up, she doesn't even know what the hell she's doing. but she's probably having a hella good time. is she probably going to die some pre-mature/tragic death because of all her shit? yes, probably. But I bet she has a lot more genuine fun than some buttoned up hipster whose wild nights include like, Mad Men orgies or something. I don't fucking know. This is the moment when I'm glad I go to a college for people who have no fucking clue what they're doing with their lives. and wear sweatpants all the time.